Garageland Salon – a live recording of the podcast from the annual arts and culture magazine Garageland presented by Cathy Lomax and Jennifer Caroline Campbell with guest Hayley Lock covering occult practices with a particular focus on female otherness within mediumistic practice.
Dr Cathy Lomax is a London based painter. Cathy Is the director of Transition Gallery in East London. She also edits two art and culture magazines, Arty and Garageland.
Jennifer Caroline Campbell is an artist and associate lecturer at Camberwell College of Arts. Jennifer is co-host of Garageland Salon podcast.
Hayley Lock is an artist and lecturer interested in embodiment, catharsis and the unconscious self using objects from the Occult. Hayley’s research interests concentrate on the occult and occult practices with a particular focus on female otherness within mediumistic practice, identities and locations.