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by Popoola, Olumide

Like Water Like Sea


Author: Popoola, Olumide

Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

Published on 28 May 2024 by Cassava Republic Press in the United Kingdom.

Hardback | 272 pages, Illustrations
241 x 162 x 27 | 476g

Sometimeswe swim, sometimes we float, other times we are drowning. It’s not always easyto know which is which.

  It is theten-year anniversary of her sister’s death, and Nia is grappling with her grief,and balancing the complicated relationships weaving through her life. There issmart and sexy Temi; Melvin, her teenage love; and her new yet intimatefriendship with Rahul and Crystal. But looming large over everything is hermother SuSu, whose battle with bipolar disorder continues to cast aprofound shadow over Nia.

 Delvingdeep into the intricate tapestry of Nia’s life, Like Water Like Sea is apoignant tale of self-discovery and resilience, sexuality and motherhood, andfalling apart to become truly whole.

SKU: '9781913175627 Category:

Additional information

Weight0.476 kg
Dimensions24.1 × 16.2 × 2.7 cm


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