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by Beckett-King, Alasdair, Powell, Claire

Montgomery Bonbon: Murder at the Museum


Author: Beckett-King, Alasdair, Powell, Claire

Crime & mystery fiction (Children’s/YA)

Published on 2 February 2023 by Walker Books Ltd in the United Kingdom as part of ‘the Montgomery Bonbon’ series.

Paperback | 288 pages, Black and white illustrations throughout, approximately 35
128 x 198 x 28 | 258g

A brilliantly funny young murder mystery from a rising stand-up comedian, podcaster and filmmaker – and exciting new talent in children’s fiction.

Many people go their whole lives without noticing anything that is afoot, amiss, or even untoward; without ever experiencing that toe-tingling, stomach-twisting sensation that a mystery is about to unfold.

Not Bonnie Montgomery – the world’s best detective. Not that anyone (other than Grampa Banks) has heard of her… But they might have heard of the great Montgomery Bonbon, the well-dressed gentleman detective who (apart from the hat and moustache) looks suspiciously like a 10-year-old girl.

Their newest case: solving the mystery surrounding a highly suspicious death at the Hornville Museum. Together they’ll interview some dodgy witnesses, scour the scene for clues and – above all – hope no one notices that Bonnie and Montgomery are never in the same room at the same time…

SKU: '9781529501049 Category:

Additional information

Weight0.258 kg
Dimensions12.8 × 19.8 × 2.8 cm


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