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by Reid, Christopher, Ogilvie, Sara

Old Toffer’s Book of Consequential Dogs


Author: Reid, Christopher, Ogilvie, Sara


Published on 2 September 2021 by FABER & FABER in the United Kingdom.

Hardback | 112 pages
473 x 291 x 20 | 868g

I’ve rounded up a rowdy assemblyOf my own Consequential DogsAs counterparts to Eliot’s mogs.

Mine are a rough and ready bunch:You wouldn’t take them out to lunch . . .

But if they strike you as friendly, funny,Full of bounce and fond of a romp,Forgetful of poetic pomp,I trust you’ll take them as you find themAnd, at the very least, not mind them.

T. S. Eliot’s best-selling collection of practical cat poems has been one of the most successful poetry collections ever. At last, in the 80th year of Old Possum’s Cats, we have the companion volume that Eliot had envisaged, written by master poet and Costa-winner, Christopher Reid.

This wonderfully witty and varied collection, illustrated in full-colour by the brilliant Sara Ogilvie, is perfect for younger readers to appreciate. A book that will be enjoyed by generations to come, perfect for reading together!

SKU: '9780571334100 Category:

Additional information

Weight0.868 kg
Dimensions47.3 × 29.1 × 2 cm


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