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by Oliver, Andi

The Pepperpot Diaries : Stories From My Caribbean Table


Author: Oliver, Andi

Caribbean islands

Published on 27 April 2023 by Dorling Kindersley Ltd (DK) in the United Kingdom.

Hardback | 288 pages
254 x 200 x 29 | 1062g

The ingredients we use in Caribbean cookery tell a story – and it’s a hugeswirling tale…

The Pepperpot Diaries is Andi Oliver’s long-awaited first cookbook. Showcasingboth traditional and new recipes, cherished ingredients and vibrant flavours fromacross the Caribbean. Let Andi Oliver take you on an exploration of identity andheritage as she shows you how to create simple yet sensational dishes that willbring the unbeatable flavours of Caribbean cooking to your table.

The story of food captured in this book will take readers on a journey around themelting pot of cultural influences, history and legacy that has uniquely shapedhanded-down and contemporary Caribbean cuisine. Through her travels in Antigua,Andi shares her deeply personal journey on reconnecting with the food she grewup eating – the flavours and ingredients that run through her heart and soul – andwhat the future might hold for Caribbean cookery. This book explores who wewere, who we are, and where we’re going – all through the food we eat and thepeople we meet along the way.

SKU: '9780241560211 Category:

Additional information

Weight1.062 kg
Dimensions25.4 × 20 × 2.9 cm